Man of Steel Superman describe efforts to save the world by fighting against General Zod, a rebel military leader of his home planet Krypton-played by Michael Shannon. In his four-star review, Total Film said the live action movie that was shown was made to correct the lack of action in the previous Superman films in 2006, Superman Returns.
"There are some scenes that really illustrates the great battle between the super powers," wrote Matthew Leyland. Cavill, he said, "do not make a film of one of the most iconic comic becomes heavy" but overall "more solid than spectacular."
Previously, the copyright on Superman could be a bone of contention between Warner Bros. and the scion of one of the creators of the super hero. But the dispute was later won by Warner Bros. Click that have made a profit of $ 500 million five Superman films, toys, and computer games and comics are published for 74 years. 30-year-old Cavill is the first non-American actor who plays Superman on the big screen, - a "difficult job" according to Empire magazine.
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